Sunday, February 3, 2013

road to improvement: digipainting

Hello! :) It's been awhile since I've posted. Been busy finishing a project called Frere and it just finished this January. :)  It's a previledge to work on a project and meet incredible people. :) Now, I am back to practice becoming a better artist. hehe

Digipainting has been one of my challenges as an artist. I don't really know how to paint in photoshop. Usually I use pen tool, textures and brushes. I never did the blending thing. I didn't really know how to work on it.

Thanks to some people who've been encouraging me and gave me some tips and teach me, I've kept trying and trying. And here are some of things I've done.

I tried to make an illustration using one of the artist I admire the Elioli Sisters's tutorial and style. Here it is:

Still got to work on my values and composition. And because of that, I'm now studying values using black and white while working on my composition as well.

Another one of my practices:

Trying to get the hang of it. :P hehe

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