Friday, March 29, 2013

Colored Pencil drawing progress

One of my colored pencil drawings/practices progress :)

***I've been inspired to go back to traditional lately hehe I kinda miss it despite me having to get better at it :) No worries, practice, practice and practice can improve that! :)

Colored Pencil sketches/drawings/experiments/practice

Some colored pencil drawings/practices/experiments! :)
One is not yet done :P hehe got really frustrated with the hair. Will be finishing it! :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pencil Sketches/Practices/experiments

Some pencil drawings/sketches/practices/experiments :) 

Things I struggle on: Hair, proportion and other angles (side view and 3/4th) (cries on one corner :)) hehe)

No worries, I shall keep practicing! :D Let's do this! :D 

Night night for now! :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pencil drawing

I made a little thank you pencil drawing for my dad's friend. :) 

It's been a while since I've used a pencil and I need to keep practicing. :P hehe 

I was actually inspired by an amazing artist, Paulette Jo. Go and visit her page! :) Her works are amazing! :)

Now, I wanna keep drawing some more pencil, colored pencil and watercolor!!! :D Thank you for inspiring me Ms. Paulette! :) 

Sorry about the quality... :( My scanner isn't that powerful enough. T.T and another reason I can't share my sketches with you guys. :( No worries, the office has a gigantic amazing scanner, and will scan as soon as I get back to work in three days :) 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WIP series: Probinsya (Province)

Before I go to sleep, here's my WIP series for my illustration "Probinya" (Province).

Kinda happy at the beginning but at the last minute...something went off. :( Maybe its me getting tired or I still need to improve my composition, coloring, mood making.

Will be asking some critic/help/comments tomorrow from my co-workers/mentors/professors. :) Hope to finish this and update you of the finished product! :D 

***if you guys have some critics/comments/suggestions I am all ears! :) I would greatly appreciate it! :) 

Night night! :D

032013 thumbnail practice

Hello folks!!! :)

Yes, I know. I have a lot of late overdue illustrations to share, but they are just so hard. I want to make it the best as I can even if I am still a working progress. hehe 

But while having a break, I made some thumbnail practices to start my new "little projects" and to stay away for a little while from my illustrations I need to finish. :) 

Here are some more of my thumbnail practices! :)

I am not to happy of my 1st and 3rd one. :( I didn't get the right mood I wanted cause of lack in skills. I know I need more improvement and I'll keep practicing until I get it right!!! 


My second thumbnail practice will be a little thank you present I'll be giving away. So, after some few minutes of break I will be working on it! :) Wish me luck to make it really beautiful and to get the mood right! :) 

TITLES of future illustrations from these thumbnail practices:
1) first kiss

2) probinsya (province in english)

3) jeepney ride


Stay tuned for my future illustrations! :D 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Tumblr-ing down and tweet tweet-ing away

Hey guys! :) How are you? Hope you all doing well. 

 I decided to make an account in tumblr and join twitter :)

I actually joined in the bandwagon of the tumblr world because as an artist its good to put yourself out there. I hear tumblr is another way to that. I saw a tumblr ask me entry from Betsy Bauer And most of my artist friends do agree that it is a good way to put your work out there for you to be discovered and grow as an artist. And I can follow and learn more artists from the tumblr world! :) 

So, it will be another place for me to share my sketches, illustrations, practices, maybe some doodles. Maybe mainly my final illustrations. :) This blog will still be my home for all my art dumping! :) hehe

***Though be warned, there's still nothing posted in my tumblr. Still figuring it out :) Still need to do some fixing. Maybe I shall post my Woodrose inspired work to start of. :) And will post my two new illustrations there too besides here in my blog! :) So there is something to look forward! :) Wohooo!

Well for twitter? I decided I'd be joining because a friend told me its a good way to contact and connect with wonderful artists you admire. Especially most the artist I do follow in blogger do have twitter. :) It would be a great way to get to know them better, know what's going in their lives in the industry and maybe ask some few pointers (???) hehe if they have the time and are kind enough. :) 

And its a good way for you guys to be updated with my posts in tumblr and blogspot! :) You know, if ever you don't check your dashboards here on blogger. hehe

Here are the links to my Tumblr and Twitter. :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

WIP series: Direct Complementary

Hello folks! :) and hello Direct Complementary!!!! :D:D

So while I am making the Analogous, I am working on this too! 

Once I get tired of making the other, I work on the other one. Hopefully I'll be done by the end of this week and share the final product to you guys :)

Here are some of my initial sketches:

For this, the challenge was the rainy effect in the window. I asked some help from some friends/co-workers/mentors. :) And of course, to get the mood I wanted to take effect while using direct complementary and the color choices that I chose.

Shall update you for the final product! :) Can't wait for the two WIP series to finish! hehe

Monday, March 11, 2013

WIP series: Analogous

Hello folks!!! :) 

So this is my second project for my WIP series.... ANALOGOUS!!!!

Let me tell you, its tricky! :P Been doing this for a few days. Whenever I want to try to do it, I just get frustrated. Sometimes, I just look at the screen for a long time. :)) haha

It's tricky because there are a lot of colors involved. Even if each color has values intact, its hard for me to choose which one I will use. :( But I asked some help from my mentors and they helped a bit. hehe... Well whenever I am talking to them, it seems its so easy but when your doing it by yourself .... O.O (I feel a bit silly and stupid...WHY?!?!) haha I'll be asking some help again. 

Oh well, its part of the process :) Just need to persevere and never give up. So I kept working on it. I even placed all my inspiration images for that illustration. If there was a software like a bulletin board I could've used that to pin my photo inspirations! :)) hehe I couldn't print them, it would look different printed I made use of the little spaces and photoshop. hehe 

(From top left:) A photo with fireflies in a bottle. Got inspired by the colors! :) So lovely! (BTW, got this from tumblr. Sorry, I forgot who's. :( ) Then a photo of my thumbnail sketch to keep in check my values (IT'S VERY IMPORTANT MY FRIEND! Very! IT GUIDES YOU LIKE CRAZY! hehe), then a screenshot from Monster's University trailer. It gives me an idea of the mood I wanted to establish :) Seems bittersweet kind of mood :) , and a screenshot of Architecture 101 a beautiful Korean film! I should recommend you to watch it! :) It's lovely! :) Got the inspiration of two people in love. :) 

And then here's some more progress:

Ugggh! Can't get the mood right. :( 

To be honest I am tempted to go back to Monochrome and use different shades of color instead of yellow. However, that wouldn't be right. I can't stay in my comfort zone. I need to experiment and go somewhere I have never done before. :) To gain more experience, to gain more knowledge, and to grow as an artist. :)

I shall keep trying! :) Maybe rest for a bit and start on it again! :) 

You are welcome to suggest anything. :) I do appreciate one! :D

Anyway, I will keep you posted and hopefully soon show you the final product. :)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Remembering Yesterday

Hello folks! :)

So here is the final look from my WIP series: Monochrome

Title: Remembering yesterday

An Illustration inspired by my childhood memories in Woodrose, my high school. :) Sorry it took so long to update :P hehe I actually finished it on March 3, 2013 but I consulted and asked some critic and advice from professors/co-workers to improve it. 

So there you go! :) WOHOOO!!!! 

Achievement unlock for my first episode in my WIP series (what episode??? haha just made it up. It seemed cool. Maybe I'll be calling it that. I mean as a whole it is a series. No its too long. GULO KO!) haha 

Next in line for my WIP series are Direct Complimentary and Analogous :) 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Introduction to WIP series and WIP series: Monochromatic

Hello folks! :) Have you seen my old post of thumbnail-ing practice? Well, as you can see I've been trying my own kind of composition and illustration while practice thumb-nailing and values.

Now, I am trying to push a little bit more and applying some color into it. Not only color, but practicing how color can help the composition to be a bit more interesting.

So, here it is...I shall welcome you to my WIP series :) So not to be confused, WIP stand for "Work in Progress". And I'll be making some series of work...from thumbnail practice to values to applying it in color until the finish product! :)

*It's a good way for me to practice on my illustrations! ;) And a way for me to be motivated to work and finish them! ;) wohooo! haha

So for today, I will be starting on WIP series: Monochromatic

Did you recognize this little thumbnail? It's my Woodrose Inspired thumbnail practice! :) For this little thumbnail practice I wanted my illustration to work on monochromatic. :) I used yellow to showcase the sunny and the joy I remembered as a child growing up and studying in Woodrose! :) Just seeing the kids the last time I visited just made me so nostalgic. Seeing them playing at the fields just made me remember how it was to be young and carefree. Hopefully with this practice, I'll be able to get the mood too!

I wanted to try all the techniques for me to familiarize and practice. It's a good way to know when, how and why to use these techniques for a composition or illustration. :) So, good luck to me! :) hehe

BTW, don't mind the blue, red and green in my palette. :P hehe I was hoping to make a "plaid" which was an obvious part of the uniform for a Woordose student. :P hehe Still in the process of placing it or not! ;) You'll see.

Will post the final look soon! Will keep you posted!